hello, I'm Robin Shrestha

This is my personal blog where I plan to document my coding journey as I learn new languages and frameworks.

My Speciality: Python Development Java Development Web Development Git Version Control Graphic Design

About Me.

I was born and raised in a small village in Nepal. I moved to the US to pursue my passion for Engineering. I am currently attending University of Colorado Denver to complete a BS in Computer Science. I am currently open for internship as well as jobs.

Download CV


I have experience with variety of different programming laguages and frameworks!

Web Development

I can design and code simple web pages which includes landing page, contact page, navigation bar, etc.

Python Development

I can create a simple and responsive GUI web applications with Python and Django.

Responsive Design

I can design responsive webpages for different platforms like desktop and mobile.

Git Version Control

I can create & maintain github repository for various projects.

Assembly Programming

I can create function programs in MASAM

Creative Design

I can design various graphical elements for websites.


I have completed a lot of small personal projects as well as school projects. I have also worked on a few group projects. I have listed some of my projects below.


Please send me a email if you are interested in working with me.